About Beurremont
The finest quality viennoiserie, and French cuisine in general, relies heavily on the perfection of one key ingredient: butter.
Spread the Love, Savor the Flavor.
The perfect butter is made with cream derived from pristine cow’s milk, carefully churned to create the desired texture, and cultured with beneficial bacteria to develop a complex flavor profile. Butter like this was not produced in the U.S., and importing authentic French butter was prohibitive and limited for years.
In 1998, Beurremont debuted and changed everything.

Band of Butters
An alliance of family dairy farmers and century-old milk processors in New England dared to create America’s first cultured, high-fat butter.

Instant Acclaim
New York chefs and bakers finally had a fresh supply of the highest quality butter needed for laminated doughs, elegant ganaches, and rich sauces. Their acclaim was instant, and Beurremont became the area chefs’ preferred butter.

Constant Innovation
Innovation and collaboration with local dairy farmers and cheesemakers grew the offering. Crème fraîche and handcrafted cheeses soon followed. French butter manufacturers joined the effort and provided their unique beurre de tourage (sheeted butter).
Today, we continue to grow and innovate so that we can serve you: the chefs who fuel the effort to always improve.
Contact Us
Talk to the Beurremont product experts. Here to answer questions, provide technical support, and offer recipe recommendations.